Thursday 10 September 2020

My Wonderful POEM!πŸ™Œ

My Brain Storm

Angry: Negative, Impatient, Shouting, Mad and Annoyed.
Type of Poem: Narrative

One day there was a boy named Jack. He saw a boy hes age ( 9 ) and he felt really angry because of all of the love he was getting. Jack got Mad and started Shouting, Banging and Annoyed. He thought that if this was Nice?. Jack Calms down and walks away.

Ps..... Hes ANGRY!.

Hi There Fellow Viewer or Should I say Malo'e'lele
This is My Negative Poem that I made up in the Writing book. I did a short one because I had to finish before Lunch and I finished!. The hard part was trying to Make the story and Making up the Charaters Like (Jack). Well the poem Speaks for them self. Blog ya later.


  1. Hi Mapa,

    I was scrolling through your blog and the first thing that I stumbled across was this. I was so exited to see this so I pressed on it. I remember when I did my narrative poem. It was almost the same but my one was based on confused and my main characters name was " Liam ". When I was reading your poem I found a mistake and it was that you wrote hes except for his but anyways I really really like your blog post. Why was he angry because he was the one who was getting all the love ?. Keep up the good work.

    Kind regards-Garv

    1. Hi Garv
      Thanks so much for your comment that you have posted. I love the fact that you asked me a question and why was he angry?, well it was because of jealously and anger he had inside him. But anyways thank you for your comment!.
