Thursday 17 September 2020

Journey for movers and planting!πŸ˜²πŸ™Œ

Hi there Fellow viewer

Hello and welcome to my blog post about steps on how to grow a Kawakawa plant/bush. Yesterday room 15 went outside to plant a Kawakawa plant. Room 15 went to the front of May road school went Mrs Noakes (Principal) and Man I have to tell you.... It was SOOOOO fun!πŸ˜ŒπŸ™Œ. We Room 15 got there I was SO exited to make Kawakawa plant so as I was looking I saw a little bug, Well like usual I will just leaf it be (Haha did you get it because it was on a leaf and yea ha...ha just me laughing ok😐). Well I saw it and it was blue, I don't know but I think that it was a ladybug but I didn't mind. Anyways this is my work I hope you like it and also please pop in to the May road school site and check everyones blog posts and also if you have any questions or anything you need to tell me that is POSITIVE, HELPFUL and THOUGHTFUL! feel free to comment down below and also stay safe and be kind, ENJOY!πŸ™ŒπŸ˜„

Fact: Did you know that Kawakawa leaves are good for cuts, bruses, stings and also you can chew it to stop your teeth hurting.

Question: Do you have a Kawakawa bush at the back or front of your house?.

Thursday 10 September 2020

My Wonderful POEM!πŸ™Œ

My Brain Storm

Angry: Negative, Impatient, Shouting, Mad and Annoyed.
Type of Poem: Narrative

One day there was a boy named Jack. He saw a boy hes age ( 9 ) and he felt really angry because of all of the love he was getting. Jack got Mad and started Shouting, Banging and Annoyed. He thought that if this was Nice?. Jack Calms down and walks away.

Ps..... Hes ANGRY!.

Hi There Fellow Viewer or Should I say Malo'e'lele
This is My Negative Poem that I made up in the Writing book. I did a short one because I had to finish before Lunch and I finished!. The hard part was trying to Make the story and Making up the Charaters Like (Jack). Well the poem Speaks for them self. Blog ya later.

In the making of..... TONGAN FANS!?!πŸ˜„πŸ™Œ

Malo 'e 'lele Fellow ViewerπŸ‘‹

This is my journey of Making Tongan fans. Miss Baird (Student teacher) Has told Room 15 that we would be given 2 paper plates to design a Tongan Pattern that we (Room 15) had learnt. I designed my paper plate nice and easy because I still had to colour it in but at least I had a pattern and almost designed it...... Right!?!. I loved making the designs and it looked nice, I loved that there were 2 paper plates to design on because it looked wonderful and I loved mine the most. I got to see my auntie Laura and I got to see my little niece Laura S'ii (S'ii Means small) also She made a fan too and it was beautiful, also colourful. In Rosser house we (Room 15) also made a Teki (A Tongan prop used for girls when there doing a Tongan dance). The hard part for me was curling the Teki because one piece of paper from my Teki fell of when I was curling it but I just carried onπŸ˜‘. I will next time change a bit of my blog posting and my next steps are probably posting most of the time because I need to update you guys with learning, Also if you have any advice for me or questions Comment down below....... Blog ya later! ✌😁

Question: Are you a Tongan?

The other photo didn't fit in