Thursday 18 March 2021

Behind the Pacific

 Welcome fellow viewers

Welcome to my blog post about my reading that I've done with my class. My class and I were reading, by our selfs. When I was reading the story I was thinking about Moes (The girl in the story) emotions through out the story. It was her first time on a plane so Moe didn't really know about the Pacific Islands all though when she was on the plane looking out of the beautiful view, She said "We can't land here, Theres no proper airstrip" Her father laughed, "You should be grateful that you have to ride on a plane, Your ancestors came here on a vaka (Polynesian double hull canoe). Moes ancestors traveled through the ocean seas to find there land here and back. What I find interesting was Moes ancestors used to come in a vaka and it's very interesing to find out that bit of information. Thank you for reading:) 

To Set Sail⚓

 Hi there fellow viewers

I am in need to a navigator. Can you help me?. I require skilled people to come through 

Today I made a WANTED post because I want to find a navigator to guide me through my journey. I wrote down skills for YOU so if you have the skills for this job, would you maybe think about telling me.....Please. The skills that I need is in a list on my poster. You are more welcome to come through and give me a call😁.  We need all of these good people to help and guide us through our journey. We give much thanks to people who can do this job for us. Make sure you have the skills to complete the job clearly and we may give an offer in returning. Our navigator needs much more things than just that list. I want YOU to have a positive, helpful and I want a motivated healthy brain🧠. It would be really helpful to communicate with my crew and carry that happy vibe with them as possible. Thank you for reading this if your got this far👍. 

Monday 8 March 2021

Orienteering with my class !!👍😲

 HI there Fellow blogger

Welcome to my new post! of my fun adventure and experience of Orienteering. Today Mrs Matthews class ( Room 15) experience Orienteering. Workers for Orienteering came inside our class to have a recap of what symbols on our map means. Let me tell u about the symbols😌. Workers came 2 weeks ago for our activity for Tuesdays, and they teached our class about symbols for Orienteering. like whats the meanings of a colour like green meant trees, blue meant water and all sorts of colours, even orange🤯. To start off my class walked down to the field and I saw these clipper things (I do not know what its called wait let me think🤔.....Yeah still don't know Anyways, The clipper thing was like a stick that had a pointy end so it could stick into the ground like a flag pole🏴. Irene and Leon (There names) also told us about, On the clipper thingy theres letters, and that little clipper on top. We had to go in groups though because there was lots of students that came today. Number 1 went on the other side of the and number 2 (The one I was in) went on the other side. We got handed🤚 a long strip of paper that had letters on them and Irene give us a letter that was on our paper to go find and clip. I got G and I had to go find it and clip it then B was next and I ran to go find it and clip it fast but then I got tired. at the end when we finished My group had to go to the middle and hand in our papers 🧾. After running around Irene gave my group maps of May road school and the twist is that the map of Mrs (Short for May road school) Had to always face north ALWAYS.